The principal partners of Early Learning Pennsylvania (ELPA), a statewide coalition of advocates focused on supporting young Pennsylvanians from birth to age five, released reaction statements regarding the FY 2021-22 state budget.
How the pandemic is upending pre-K
It’s a tragic, tired fact of the pandemic by now — a largely lost year of learning that will set back millions of U.S. students, from kindergarten to college and hurt already at-risk kids the most. What about the children even younger than that?
PA Stimulus Deal Saves Early Learning as Working Families Prepare to Get Back to Work
The economic stimulus bill that authorizes the spending of most of the $3.9 billion in federal CARES Act funding includes $125 million in economic relief for the Commonwealth’s early learning sector, which will be critical in supporting Pennsylvania families returning to work.
DA joins call for more pre-K in Bucks County
Bucks County needs 174 more pre-kindergarten classrooms to meet demand, according to an educational group.
Kids win big in 2017-18 state budget
The 2017-18 state budget passed by the Senate this morning and headed to the House demonstrates a bi-partisan compromise that prioritizes children. Following the governor’s lead set in his budget request, Democrats and Republicans came together and prioritized the state’s 2.8 million children by increasing state investments in child welfare, early learning and K-12 education.
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Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children is dedicated to improving the well-being of PA's 2.6 million kids. We're independent, non-partisan and non-profit.
Okay, is it Pi Day or Pie Day? As the data people, we're going to go with Pi Day. Final Answer. #piDay2025
Happy #WomensHistoryMonth. PPC is working to ensure that each woman and child can afford access to quality health care. Everyone, especially children and individuals during pregnancy into the postpartum period, should have health insurance and access to quality health care.
Watch live as the Senate Appropriations Committee holds its hearing with the PA Dept. of Human Services on the proposed #PABudget
(If you can't watch, don't worry, we'll recap it in our #ppcenewsletter)
Proposed spending on the @PAHumanServices will be examined today as the Senate Appropriations Committee continues public hearings on Gov. Shapiro’s massive 2025-26 budget plan.
Any cuts to Medicaid, including block grants and per capita caps, would jeopardize coverage for nearly 1.2 million PA children, including children with special health care needs, children living in families with lower incomes, and children living in or aging out of foster care
As the federal government considers next steps on funding, please know that our programs and services have not changed – Medicaid and SNAP are here for you, and if you are covered by these programs, they are still here to help.