More than 2 in 5 children in PA now rely on publicly funded or supported health insurance Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (PPC), the only statewide advocacy organization with a public policy agenda that spans a child’s life prenatally through adulthood, today released its 2021 State of Children’s Health Care in Pennsylvania: Health Insurance During the […]
State announces plans to extend Medicaid coverage period for new, expecting moms
Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration announced its plans Thursday to extend the health care coverage period for new and expecting moms eligible for Medicaid. “This allows us to provide mothers the care and guidance they need through an important and delicate period in their lives without the additional fear or anxiety of getting an unaffordable bill,” said […]
Report: Larger segment of Pennsylvania kids going without health insurance
After holding steady in 2018, the proportion of Pennsylvania kids without health insurance inched up last year — and could grow again as families negotiate fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, according to a nonprofit health advocacy group.
Press Release: Pa’s uninsured rate increased, 8th highest number of uninsured kids in the nation
Pa’s uninsured rate increased, 8th highest number of uninsured kids in the nation Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (PPC), the only statewide advocacy organization with a public policy agenda that spans the life of a child prenatally through adulthood, today released the 2020 State of Children’s Health Care Report. “No child should be without health insurance […]
Census Data Show Largest Annual Increase in Number of Uninsured Children in More Than a Decade
Despite the strength of the pre-pandemic economy in 2019, the number of uninsured children grew at an alarming rate according to newly released data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS). The ACS data released today documents the largest annual increase in the number of uninsured kids from 2018 to 2019 since the survey […]
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Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children is dedicated to improving the well-being of PA's 2.6 million kids. We're independent, non-partisan and non-profit.
Okay, is it Pi Day or Pie Day? As the data people, we're going to go with Pi Day. Final Answer. #piDay2025
Happy #WomensHistoryMonth. PPC is working to ensure that each woman and child can afford access to quality health care. Everyone, especially children and individuals during pregnancy into the postpartum period, should have health insurance and access to quality health care.
Watch live as the Senate Appropriations Committee holds its hearing with the PA Dept. of Human Services on the proposed #PABudget
(If you can't watch, don't worry, we'll recap it in our #ppcenewsletter)
Proposed spending on the @PAHumanServices will be examined today as the Senate Appropriations Committee continues public hearings on Gov. Shapiro’s massive 2025-26 budget plan.
Any cuts to Medicaid, including block grants and per capita caps, would jeopardize coverage for nearly 1.2 million PA children, including children with special health care needs, children living in families with lower incomes, and children living in or aging out of foster care
As the federal government considers next steps on funding, please know that our programs and services have not changed – Medicaid and SNAP are here for you, and if you are covered by these programs, they are still here to help.