The people who can least afford it are about to experience the blatant cruelty of a disappearing helping hand. The coronavirus pandemic prompted the Families First Coronavirus Act. In addition to things such as paid covid sick leave and testing, it also addressed additional SNAP benefits and continuous enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP coverage for […]
End of pandemic-era policy presents dilemmas for millions of Pa. Medicaid, CHIP recipients
About 430,000 children who are enrolled in Medicaid are at risk of losing coverage, according to Carolyn Myers, spokesperson for the children’s advocacy organization Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children. They can enroll in CHIP if they lose coverage but run the risk of being lost in the shuffle, she said. “Our concern is that cliff, because, […]
Report: More PA Kids had Health Insurance During Pandemic
A new report says during the pandemic, more children were able to keep their health insurance in the Commonwealth. The “State of Children’s Health” report – by Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children – says the gain was small, but an important reason for it is that states were not allowed to take people off of Medicaid during […]
Report shows improvement in numbers of uninsured children
The State of Children’s Health report by Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children shows that the number of uninsured children in the state decreased during the pandemic from 4.6% to 4.4%. However, much of that decrease was due to the federal continuous coverage provision that prevents states from disenrolling children and families from Medicaid during the public […]
GOVERNMENT & POLITICS HEALTH CARE Report: Ranks of uninsured Pa. kids dropped during pandemic | Tuesday Morning Coffee
It’s already been shown that enhanced Medicaid coverage was a crucial lifeline for millions of people during the darkest days of the COVID-19 pandemic. And as the federal government eyes winding down the public health emergency (PHE) sometime next year, as many as 18 million people could lose that coverage, data shows. And among those who could be […]
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Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children is dedicated to improving the well-being of PA's 2.6 million kids. We're independent, non-partisan and non-profit.
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Today is the last day to register to vote or update your voter info. Register to vote and check out these other important dates!
🗓️ Oct. 21 - Voter registration deadline
🗓️ Oct. 29 - Last day to apply for a mail ballot
🗳️ Nov. 5 - Election Day. Polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM
In the clurb we all fam*
*and by clurb we mean our newsletter:
In its latest report, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children found that under half of eligible 3- and 4-year-olds participate in publicly funded Pre-K, affecting more than 78,000 children - via @PittsburghPG and @byjnanderson
🔗 :
Child care shortage threatens Pennsylvania's economy, new report argues
A historic child care crisis is leaving thousands of Pennsylvania kids without access to critical early learning pro...