Driven by bi-partisan support, publicly funded, high-quality pre-k was placed as a top state funding priority of the past two state budget cycles…and rightfully so. Access to this vital service is a fundamental building block of our state’s education system and helps ensure children have the strong foundation necessary to enter kindergarten ready to learn. Furthermore, research has shown that it can reduce grade repetition, special education placements, and dropout rates. Unfortunately, even with recent increases in state funding, there are over 112,900 eligible children who qualify for high-quality, publicly funded pre-k but remain unserved.
New Report Details How Pennsylvania Can Step Up Investment in High-Quality Pre-k
Pre-k advocates and United Way officials around the commonwealth are calling on Pennsylvania to increase its commitment to making high-quality pre-k more accessible to young learners, particularly those at greatest risk of academic failure due to economic disadvantages.
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Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children is dedicated to improving the well-being of PA's 2.6 million kids. We're independent, non-partisan and non-profit.
Happy #WomensHistoryMonth. PPC is working to ensure that each woman and child can afford access to quality health care. Everyone, especially children and individuals during pregnancy into the postpartum period, should have health insurance and access to quality health care.
Watch live as the Senate Appropriations Committee holds its hearing with the PA Dept. of Human Services on the proposed #PABudget
(If you can't watch, don't worry, we'll recap it in our #ppcenewsletter)
Proposed spending on the @PAHumanServices will be examined today as the Senate Appropriations Committee continues public hearings on Gov. Shapiro’s massive 2025-26 budget plan.
Any cuts to Medicaid, including block grants and per capita caps, would jeopardize coverage for nearly 1.2 million PA children, including children with special health care needs, children living in families with lower incomes, and children living in or aging out of foster care
As the federal government considers next steps on funding, please know that our programs and services have not changed – Medicaid and SNAP are here for you, and if you are covered by these programs, they are still here to help.
There is considerable evidence of the vital role that school meals play in alleviating poverty, supporting good nutrition, advancing learning, and improving overall health. #NationalSchoolBreakfastWeek#NationalSchoolBreakfastWeek