By Subject: Child Welfare | Early Childhood Education | Home Visiting | K-12 Education | Maternal and Child Health | Prenatal-to-Age-Three

Report: A State Comparison: Prioritizing Pre-k in Pennsylvania – May 2017

High-quality pre-k is an integral component of the commonwealth’s education system that lays the foundation for a child’s success well beyond their elementary education. An extensive body of research demonstrates the academic and social benefits including a reduced need for remedial services, decreased dropout rates and an increased likelihood of post-secondary education enrollment. Just as […]

Report: Pre-K in PA: A Path Forward – 2017

Driven by bi-partisan support, publicly funded, high-quality pre-k was placed as a top state funding priority of the past two state budget cycles… and rightfully so. Access to this vital service is a fundamental building block of our state’s education system and helps ensure children have the strong foundation necessary to enter kindergarten ready to […]

Local Fact Sheets: What’s the State of Pre-K Where You Live? – 2016

Despite the many proven benefits of high-quality pre-k, most of Pennsylvania’s 3- and 4-year-olds lack access to this once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity. And many of the children missing out are those at greatest risk of academic failure. How many children in your county are among those missing out? You can find out with our county-level fact […]

Report: The Case for Pre-k in PA: Smart Investment in Kids, Communities and the Commonwealth – 2016

Investments in high-quality pre-k have a significant return on investment for our children, schools and communities. It’s one reason civic leaders and philanthropic organizations have long supported making pre-k available to more children who need it, particularly those at risk of academic failure. Yet too few children are benefiting in Pennsylvania, and philanthropic efforts can […]

State of the Child


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