By Subject: Child Welfare | Early Care and Education | Home Visiting | K-12 Education | Perinatal and Child Health | Prenatal-to-Age-Three | KIDSCOUNT State of the Child
Child Welfare Reports and Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Prioritizing Transition Age Youth for Future Success – April 2024
Older youth in foster care, aged 14-21, are embarking on a journey to adulthood, transitioning out of the foster care system and onto self-sufficiency. Despite the numerous challenges they face, including trauma and adverse experiences from their childhood and adolescence, often exacerbated by child welfare system involvement, these youth demonstrate remarkable resilience. Their transition from adolescence to adulthood is a pivotal period, and the support and resources they receive significantly influence their success post-foster care.

Report: 2023 State of Child Welfare – December 2023
Our 14th annual State of Child Welfare report provides a 5-year analysis of how Pennsylvania fares with practices around child safety, placement, and permanency and includes county-level data and statewide and geographic trends to improve the child welfare system. We continue to analyze racial disparity and disproportionality across the child welfare system’s population (age 0-20).

Fact Sheet: Improving Kinship Placement in Pennsylvania – September 2023
Kinship care is the full-time care, nurturing, and protection of a child by a relative, either by blood or marriage, and can include informal connections that are not legally related but have a positive, supportive relationship with the child or family.
Early Care and Education Reports and Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Support Infant and Toddler Early Intervention in Pennsylvania – March 2025
Infant and Toddler EI is a program that provides services to children from birth to their third birthday who have a developmental delay or a high probability of having a developmental delay. Also referred to as Part C EI, these services aim to improve outcomes that are critical to a family’s ability to support their child’s health, optimal development, educational success, and lifelong well-being.

Report: Infant and Toddler Early Intervention: What Initial Data Reveals for Pennsylvania – February 2025
Since 2022, the Early Learning Pennsylvania coalition and the Thriving PA campaign have been proud to increase awareness of and foster policymaker support for Infant and Toddler Early Intervention (EI), also known as Part C EI. With a statewide advocacy workgroup convened for the first time, an initial goal was to receive and analyze EI related data from the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL). A formal request was submitted to the state in 2023 for both FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23 Infant and Toddler EI data, and to date, the workgroup has received and analyzed statewide and county-level data specific to the areas of fiscal, eligibility, and enrollment information.

Report: State of Early Care and Education in Pennsylvania – September 2024
Pennsylvania’s comprehensive early care and education system spans the formative years of a child, birth-to-age-5, and provides an opportunity to ensure our youngest citizens are starting out on the right track. The report shows more investments in the early care and education workforce are needed to give Pennsylvania children the foundation they need to succeed.
Home Visiting

Brief: A Closer Look at Medicaid and Home Visiting in Pennsylvania – August 2024
Home visiting services help nurture a healthy environment for expectant parents and families with young children by focusing on child development, improving maternal and child health, providing positive parental coaching and guidance, and much more. This brief explores the benefits of the Medicaid Maternal Home Visiting program (MHV) created by DHS four years ago and offers recommendations to the department for further improvement.

Home Visiting State and County Fact Sheets 2023
The Childhood Begins at Home campaign released new fact sheets that show the number of young children and their families receiving publicly funded, evidence-based home visiting services statewide and in each county. While a historic level of increased funding in last year’s state budget helped serve more Pennsylvania low-income families—moving from 5% to 7% served—it still represents only a fraction of those most in need of services.
K-12 Education Reports and Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Universal Free Breakfast Helps School-Aged Children Succeed – June 2023
Each day, families struggle with food security and the ability to provide their children with healthy meals that fuel their minds and bodies. Lack of nutrient-rich food impacts child development, overall health outcomes, mental and behavioral health and academic achievement, performance, and participation. Free school breakfast has been one initiative provided to Pennsylvania school-aged children to combat child hunger and ensure students succeed.

Fact Sheet: Investing in CTE Today Ensures a Competitive Workforce Tomorrow – May 2023
Career and technical education (CTE) combines academic, technical and hands-on skill-building that prepares students to immediately enter high-priority occupations or better define career plans, including post-secondary education. Each year thousands of Pennsylvania students will have already earned higher education credits, completed a pre-apprenticeship program or gained on-the-job skills before graduation because of the CTE path they chose in high school. Unfortunately, not all students get to participate in CTE due to the lack of sustained state investments in funding to support programming.
Perinatal and Child Health Reports and Fact Sheets
Report: Medicaid: Important for Military Families & Future Readiness – February 2025
The physical health and well-being of current service members is vital in supporting military readiness. Likewise, the physical health and well-being of young Americans is vital to the future readiness of the Armed Forces. Ensuring affordable and comprehensive health care access for America’s military families and our next generation is an essential investment in our national security.

Fact Sheets: Medicaid & CHIP Provide Quality Health Insurance for Half of Pennsylvania Kids – January 2025
In every community across Pennsylvania, Medicaid and CHIP play a big role in keeping kids covered and healthy. Through these public health insurance options, nearly half of all children have access to check-ups, doctor-recommended screenings, vaccinations and much more. The three fact sheets in this series show enrollment by Congressional, state House, and state Senate districts.

Report: State of Children’s Health in Pennsylvania – November 2024
The number of uninsured children in Pennsylvania remains stable following last year’s unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage provision, but no progress has been made, according to our 2024 State of Children’s Health report. The report provides the first look at the impact of resuming Medicaid renewals following a three-year federal hiatus during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Fact Sheet: Keep Kids Healthy and Ready to Learn – August 2024
Back-to-school season is an opportunity to make sure kids have the health coverage they need to be ready to learn. There’s a lot to do to get kids ready for school. Start crossing off your back-to-school list with free or low-cost health insurance today! With MEDICAID or CHIP, they’re covered for yearly physicals, immunizations, mental health services, dental check-ups, and more.
Prenatal-to-Age-Three Reports and Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets: Prenatal and Children’s Nutrition (Women, Infants and Children Program – WIC) – April 2024
Children need access to nutrition for their growing bodies and minds to be healthy and develop as they should. The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a critical component in ensuring infants and toddlers, as well as pregnant and postpartum mothers, have access to healthy nutrition. See WIC coverage rates statewide and at the county level.
KIDSCOUNT State of the Child

State of the Child 2024
Our revamped State of the Child profiles offer a variety of data points about children and families and their well-being in Pennsylvania and all 67 counties, including Population Diversity, Children Living in Poverty, and a variety of Socioeconomic Data. Click on page to see county statistics.
PAP4Children Follow 10,000 2,512
Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children is dedicated to improving the well-being of PA's 2.6 million kids. We're independent, non-partisan and non-profit.
In a recent episode of @TheSparkWITF, host Asia Tabb spoke with Kari King, Kati Brillhart & Becky Ludwick from PPC to discuss advocacy efforts for improved education, healthcare, child welfare & policies that support children & families in PA.
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PA Partnerships for Children discuss their mission and child welfare issues in the state | WITF
Aired; March 24th, 2025.In a recent episode of The Spark, host Asia Tabb sat down with Kari King, Kati Brillhart and Bec […]
"What we would see, in terms of Medicaid cuts, would mean a spike in uninsured rates for children, and we have more than 1.2 million children in Pennsylvania who are currently enrolled in Medicaid," said Becky Ludwick, PA Partnerships for Children.
167 organizations across the State of Pennsylvania have signed a letter opposing any cuts to Medicaid in the Federal budget. 69 News Reporter Rob Manch has the story.
“Medicaid cuts would wreak havoc on the health systems in the rural parts of the state,” said Becky Ludwick, vice president of public policy at Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children via @PittsburghPG and @byjnanderson
Pennsylvania advocates warn of devastating impacts as federal Medicaid cuts loom
NEW: Our 2025 interactive maps and corresponding fact sheets for the @StartStrongPA campaign are now available and show data about the workforce, high-quality access, and quality. Fact sheets are available by county and legislative district.