The latest report from one of the most comprehensive national reviews of child well-being shows Pennsylvania with gains in education as well as family and community, but poor performance in economic well-being.
Governor’s 2018-19 budget proposal shows strong commitment to children
Budget proposal includes substantial investments in early learning, K-12 education and efforts to support strong parenting.
Pennsylvania ranks in bottom half of per capita investments in high-quality pre-k
New report urges 2018 election candidates to support pre-k investments to improve PA’s economic competitiveness.
Little Cause for Celebration: CHIP Families Could Get Termination Notices as Program Turns 25
The Pennsylvania Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) turns 25 tomorrow but instead of celebrating, families of the more than 178,000 children currently enrolled face uncertainty and possible termination of coverage notices if Congress fails to extend funding that expired on September 30th.
2017 Race for Results Report Shows Pennsylvania Must Deliver Better Results in Early Education, K-12 and Family Programs
All children in Pennsylvania should have the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of race, ethnicity, or where they live, but the 2017 Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children report released today by the Annie E. Casey Foundation shows the commonwealth needs to deliver better results for kids.
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Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children is dedicated to improving the well-being of PA's 2.6 million kids. We're independent, non-partisan and non-profit.
“Medicaid cuts would wreak havoc on the health systems in the rural parts of the state,” said Becky Ludwick, vice president of public policy at Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children via @PittsburghPG and @byjnanderson
Pennsylvania advocates warn of devastating impacts as federal Medicaid cuts loom
NEW: Our 2025 interactive maps and corresponding fact sheets for the @StartStrongPA campaign are now available and show data about the workforce, high-quality access, and quality. Fact sheets are available by county and legislative district.
“It makes a lot of sense from a health standpoint to have kids continuously enrolled, as well as from the financial standpoint,” said Becky Ludwick, Vice President for policy at PPC via @PennLive and @zwhoopes
Pa. Republicans ask Trump to axe new Medicaid program for poor families, children and homeless
Okay, is it Pi Day or Pie Day? As the data people, we're going to go with Pi Day. Final Answer. #piDay2025