The 2020 edition of the KIDS COUNT® Data Book, released today by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, shows Pennsylvania ranks 20th for overall child well-being. The report is a comprehensive national reviews of child well-being and uses 16 indicators across four domains to rank each state: economic well-being, education, family and community, and health. For […]
Press Release: 2020 State of Child Welfare Outlines Approaches for Protecting Children and Promoting Stable Families in PA
Right now, children and youth face unique challenges, but we cannot ignore those that existed before the pandemic. We hope this report spurs advancements in policy, legislative and fiscal reform to better support outcomes for children and families involved with the system.
Pennsylvania Wins Unprecedented Grant from the Pritzker Children’s Initiative
State will increase the number of children and families receiving high-quality services by 25 percent by 2023, and by 50 percent by 2025 HARRISBURG (April 2, 2020) – Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children, the only statewide advocacy organization with a public policy agenda that spans the life of a child from birth to adulthood, today announced […]
Pennsylvania’s Ranking Stagnant Among States Investing in High-Quality Pre-K
New report shows states with similar political landscapes outpacing PA in per capita pre-k investments HARRISBURG (January 28, 2020)—Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (PPC), in its role as a principal partner of the Pre-K for PA Campaign, today released the Campaign’s third report comparing Pennsylvania’s per-capita investments in pre-k. The report shows states with similar political […]
State of Children’s Health Care Report: 124,000 Children in Pa. Are Uninsured
New Health Care Report Outlines How to Improve Health Care Coverage Programs and Access for Every Pennsylvania Child HARRISBURG (October 29, 2019) – Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children today released the “State of Children’s Health Care in Pennsylvania: Powering Up Healthy Kids,” a comprehensive report with a clear agenda to strengthen both access and coverage benefits […]
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Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children is dedicated to improving the well-being of PA's 2.6 million kids. We're independent, non-partisan and non-profit.
“Medicaid cuts would wreak havoc on the health systems in the rural parts of the state,” said Becky Ludwick, vice president of public policy at Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children via @PittsburghPG and @byjnanderson
Pennsylvania advocates warn of devastating impacts as federal Medicaid cuts loom
NEW: Our 2025 interactive maps and corresponding fact sheets for the @StartStrongPA campaign are now available and show data about the workforce, high-quality access, and quality. Fact sheets are available by county and legislative district.
“It makes a lot of sense from a health standpoint to have kids continuously enrolled, as well as from the financial standpoint,” said Becky Ludwick, Vice President for policy at PPC via @PennLive and @zwhoopes
Pa. Republicans ask Trump to axe new Medicaid program for poor families, children and homeless
Okay, is it Pi Day or Pie Day? As the data people, we're going to go with Pi Day. Final Answer. #piDay2025