The Morning Call (op-ed): Don’t leave children behind in repeal of Affordable Care Act

With the health care debate gaining momentum in Washington and some members of Congress and President Trump vowing to repeal the ACA, Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation needs to understand the needs of children — the most vulnerable citizens among us – and what is at stake if a high-quality replacement plan is not immediately available. Drug epidemic side effect

Of the many negative aspects of the drug-addiction epidemic in this region, the strain on finding adequate foster care for the children who have been removed from their homes is one of the saddest and increasingly difficult. Pennsylvania, Kentucky and West Virginia have all reported an increase in children entering foster care in the last few years at a higher rate than they are leaving.

Kaiser Health News: Everything You Need to Know About Block Grants – The Heart of GOP’s Medicaid Plans

President Donald Trump’s administration made explicit this weekend its commitment to an old GOP strategy for managing Medicaid, the federal-state insurance plan that covers low-income people — turning control of the program to states and capping what the federal government spends on it each year.

The Morning Call: Caution urged on replacing Obamacare

The law’s removal not only could hurt the 400,000 Pennsylvania residents who found coverage under its insurance exchanges, but also the 670,000 people covered statewide under a related expansion of Medicaid. Many of those patients represent the state’s most vulnerable: low-income families concentrated in rural communities or urban centers such as the Lehigh Valley.

State of the Child


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