Governor’s 2017-18 Budget Proposal Invests in Kids

Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children President and CEO Joan Benso said the 2017-18 state budget proposal Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled today would improve the quality of life for Pennsylvania’s children across the four key policy areas of the organization’s work to make Pennsylvania one of the top 10 states to be a child and to raise a child.

Politico: Ad Campaign Pushes Obamacare Repeal

The commercials, from American Action Network, will target eight House Democrats, all of whom reside in districts that Trump won in November. “Rising premiums and deductibles. Washington intruding between doctors and patients. Expensive mandates that destroy jobs. Rick Nolan supports Obamacare, and Minnesota families are paying the price,” says the commercial targeting Nolan, a Democratic congressman from Minnesota’s Iron Range. “We deserve better.”

The Associated Press: Chair Says GOP Doesn’t Want To Rush Health Care Overhaul

A leader of the Republican effort to revamp President Barack Obama’s health care law says the message from GOP lawmakers at last week’s private strategy session was for “a very deliberate, thoughtful approach.” … Texas GOP Rep. Kevin Brady chairs the House Ways and Means Committee. He says lawmakers told leaders: “Let’s not rush. Let’s get it right.”

Gov. Tom Wolf Administration official: Department consolidations are ‘not about service cuts’

“We also will create efficiencies that make it easier for private sector providers to participate in our programs,” Benso said. “In the long run, we think there’s a likelihood of economies of scale that help you save public resources and move them from [the operation of a department] to the delivery of services which is the goal.”

Pottstown Mercury: Eliminating school property taxes will hurt poorer districts

This is going from one extreme to another. Today state appropriations shamefully provide only 37 percent of total school funding, fourth lowest support in the country. Shifting $12 billion from local to state will move state support to above 80 percent, the third highest in the country. A more balanced approach would aim to be modestly above the national average of 47 percent.

State of the Child


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