Medicaid Expansion Becomes Trendy With Death of GOP Health Bill

All of a sudden, Medicaid is trendy again. The governor of Kansas vetoed a bill on Thursday that would have expanded Medicaid in his state. But the legislature is reserving the option of trying to override the veto and Virginia and North Carolina are moving toward expansion. Several other states are considering it.

Health Subsidies for Low Earners Will Continue Through 2017, GOP Says

Senior House Republicans said Thursday that they expected the federal government to continue paying billions of dollars in subsidies to health insurance companies to keep low-income people covered under the Affordable Care Act for the rest of this year – and perhaps for 2018 as well.

Most Northern Tier of Pennsylvania schools underfunded

A majority of the schools across the region are spending less on educating students than what’s needed to ensure the state’s rigorous academic standards are met. That’s the word from the Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children, which released a report this week on the spending impact on rural school performance.

Post-Gazette: PA’s most vulnerable would suffer under AHCA’s Medicaid plan

Children. Pregnant women. Pennsylvanians with disabilities. Older Pennsylvanians. All of them are vulnerable citizens with specific health care needs, and all are covered by Medicaid. However, should the proposed American Health Care Act become law, we can expect these Pennsylvanians to suffer greatly and face insurmountable difficulties getting the services they need — let alone pay for them.

State of the Child


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