When Pottstown’s two state representatives return to Harrisburg for budget talks in the coming weeks, they will do so with a deeper understanding of the benefits of last year’s $30 million increase in state funding for Pre-K Counts.
Advocates: Supporting Kinship Care Good for Kids, PA
A bill in the General Assembly could help thousands of Pennsylvania grandparents who are raising their children’s children.
Fueled in part by the opioid epidemic, some 82,000 grandparents care for more than 89,000 grandchildren in the Keystone State. Foster parents receive support services from county Children and Youth Agencies, but those providing what’s known as “kinship care” – outside the formal, foster-care system – have similar needs and often can’t access those services.
Governor’s 2018-19 budget proposal shows strong commitment to children
Budget proposal includes substantial investments in early learning, K-12 education and efforts to support strong parenting.
PA ranks 18th out of 30 states in funding pre-k programs
In a study comparing 30 states, Pennsylvania is ranked 18th in investing in high-quality, publicly funded Pre-K.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Advocates concerned about proposals to block grant Medicaid
“What we worry about in a block grant is that kids will be pitted against very needy adult populations, such as seniors, such as the disabled, such as their own parents.”
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🗓️ Oct. 21 - Voter registration deadline
🗓️ Oct. 29 - Last day to apply for a mail ballot
🗳️ Nov. 5 - Election Day. Polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM
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In its latest report, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children found that under half of eligible 3- and 4-year-olds participate in publicly funded Pre-K, affecting more than 78,000 children - via @PittsburghPG and @byjnanderson
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Child care shortage threatens Pennsylvania's economy, new report argues
A historic child care crisis is leaving thousands of Pennsylvania kids without access to critical early learning pro...