Too many at-risk Lancaster County kids go without home visits that reduce abuse, delinquency, advocates say

Back-to-back crises tested Shyanne Troop, a 20-year-old, first-time mom: her newborn suffered a stroke and her marriage dissolved.

Through each trial, Troop was thankful a knowledgeable and compassionate registered nurse was in her corner.

The Childhood Begins at Home campaign is calling for a $6.5-million increase in state funding for the Nurse-Family Partnership and other evidence-based home-visiting programs, including Early Head Start, Healthy Families America, and Parents as Teachers.

Wolf backs measures to help ‘grandfamilies’

Gov. Tom Wolf is calling on the state House to take up measures intended to help grandparents cope with the challenge of raising their grandkids. The House Children and Youth Committee approved a bill Tuesday that would create a navigator program to help grandparents find all the help available to them. The committee also approved a measure that would grant short-custody to grandparents who are trying to help care for grandchildren while one of their grandchildren’s parents is in drug rehab.

Op-ed: Lawmakers need to support this commonsense effort to keep kids safe

Right now, evidence-based, home visiting programs are supporting the development and safety of our most vulnerable children and their families in Pennsylvania.

These programs, funded with state and federal resources, focus on several critical areas: reducing child abuse and neglect and improving family health, education and economic security. Unfortunately, not enough families have access to them.

State of the Child


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