Harrisburg physician urges parents to resume immunizations for children

Foster children have enormous challenges even in the best of times. The coronavirus pandemic threatens them with even greater turmoil, isolating them from adult supervisors and friends and making it harder to move on to new lives — either with biological or adoptive families, or as newly independent adults.

Press Release: Latest National Rankings for Child Well-Being Show Pennsylvania at 20th

The 2020 edition of the KIDS COUNT® Data Book, released today by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, shows Pennsylvania ranks 20th for overall child well-being. The report is a comprehensive national reviews of child well-being and uses 16 indicators across four domains to rank each state: economic well-being, education, family and community, and health. For […]

Press Release: 2020 State of Child Welfare Outlines Approaches for Protecting Children and Promoting Stable Families in PA

Right now, children and youth face unique challenges, but we cannot ignore those that existed before the pandemic. We hope this report spurs advancements in policy, legislative and fiscal reform to better support outcomes for children and families involved with the system.

PA Stimulus Deal Saves Early Learning as Working Families Prepare to Get Back to Work

The economic stimulus bill that authorizes the spending of most of the $3.9 billion in federal CARES Act funding includes $125 million in economic relief for the Commonwealth’s early learning sector, which will be critical in supporting Pennsylvania families returning to work. 

State of the Child


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