PA Schools Work: Career and Technical Education Vital for Post-Pandemic Economy Report Outlines How Pennsylvania Can Become a Leader in CTE Access and Funding PA Schools Work (PASW), a nonpartisan statewide movement working to ensure public schools are fully and fairly funded, and Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children today released a new report outlining steps Pennsylvania […]
Investing in Youth And Families: The Importance of Family Bonds and Kinship Care
Finding ways to support parents and caregivers to minimize the trauma to children is good public policy and should be a shared goal for all of us. Providing concrete support to parents and kin in much more comprehensive ways can prevent youth from entering the child welfare system and increase the likelihood of permanency when […]
Census Data Show Largest Annual Increase in Number of Uninsured Children in More Than a Decade
Despite the strength of the pre-pandemic economy in 2019, the number of uninsured children grew at an alarming rate according to newly released data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS). The ACS data released today documents the largest annual increase in the number of uninsured kids from 2018 to 2019 since the survey […]
How the pandemic is upending pre-K
It’s a tragic, tired fact of the pandemic by now — a largely lost year of learning that will set back millions of U.S. students, from kindergarten to college and hurt already at-risk kids the most. What about the children even younger than that?
Editorial: People, too, must be counted
About 67% of Pennsylvanians have responded to the 2020 census, but with just under a month to go for the data collection process, that is 3 percentage points below the 2010 response rate.
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Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children is dedicated to improving the well-being of PA's 2.6 million kids. We're independent, non-partisan and non-profit.
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Today is the last day to register to vote or update your voter info. Register to vote and check out these other important dates!
🗓️ Oct. 21 - Voter registration deadline
🗓️ Oct. 29 - Last day to apply for a mail ballot
🗳️ Nov. 5 - Election Day. Polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM
In the clurb we all fam*
*and by clurb we mean our newsletter:
In its latest report, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children found that under half of eligible 3- and 4-year-olds participate in publicly funded Pre-K, affecting more than 78,000 children - via @PittsburghPG and @byjnanderson
🔗 :
Child care shortage threatens Pennsylvania's economy, new report argues
A historic child care crisis is leaving thousands of Pennsylvania kids without access to critical early learning pro...