Police feed the foster care-to-prison pipeline by reporting on Black parents

The callous killing of George Floyd at the hands of those charged with his protection has energized calls to reform our policing system. But if we’re serious about protecting Black families as a whole, we cannot limit the conversation to the police alone. We need to transform the child welfare system, too.

‘Trapped between some really hard choices’: Gov. Wolf on the challenge of reopening schools amid Pennsylvania’s rising coronavirus cases

As Pennsylvania districts finalize plans for how to reopen schools amid rising coronavirus case counts, Gov. Tom Wolf said Friday that officials have few good options for how to safely return students to the classroom.

Don’t double down on failed system of mandatory child abuse reporting: Opinion

Just as we finally may be coming to grips with the racial bias that permeates every aspect of American life, and how that harms families of color, along come some federal auditors proposing to double down on a system that wreaks havoc on thousands of children who are overwhelmingly poor and disproportionately nonwhite.

Harrisburg physician urges parents to resume immunizations for children

Foster children have enormous challenges even in the best of times. The coronavirus pandemic threatens them with even greater turmoil, isolating them from adult supervisors and friends and making it harder to move on to new lives — either with biological or adoptive families, or as newly independent adults.

State of the Child


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