End of pandemic-era policy presents dilemmas for millions of Pa. Medicaid, CHIP recipients

About 430,000 children who are enrolled in Medicaid are at risk of losing coverage, according to Carolyn Myers, spokesperson for the children’s advocacy organization Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children. They can enroll in CHIP if they lose coverage but run the risk of being lost in the shuffle, she said. “Our concern is that cliff, because, […]

Resuming Medicaid case checks confronts 3.6M in Pennsylvania

The federal government’s pandemic-era prohibition against kicking people off Medicaid is ending, meaning that hundreds of thousands of people in Pennsylvania face losing the free health insurance in the coming year. The Harrisburg-based nonprofit Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children wants the Shapiro administration to guarantee that children up to 21 can keep their coverage for another […]

A report on Pennsylvania’s program for Women, Infants and Children finds there are barriers to participation for eligible families

From 2018 to 2022, there was a roughly 25% decline in participation in Pennsylvania’s WIC program, the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. WIC helps low income pregnant and breastfeeding parents and children under age five afford food. A report from Thriving PA looked into the barriers that are keeping people from participating […]

Pennsylvania Moves to Find Families for Teens in Foster Care

Recent changes in a Penn­syl­va­nia law expand efforts to find sup­port­ive fam­i­lies and care­givers for teens in fos­ter care. The new pro­vi­sion improves recruit­ment prac­tices for fam­i­lies and helps pre­pare young peo­ple to thrive as they age out of fos­ter care and into adult­hood. The changes took effect on Jan­u­ary 2, 2023. “This is a huge win for more […]

Report: More PA Kids had Health Insurance During Pandemic

A new report says during the pandemic, more children were able to keep their health insurance in the Commonwealth. The “State of Children’s Health” report – by Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children – says the gain was small, but an important reason for it is that states were not allowed to take people off of Medicaid during […]

State of the Child


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